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Monday, November 29, 2010’s New “Bundles” Are Perfect For Internet Scavenger Hunts

by Larry Ferlazzo’s New “Bundles” Are Perfect For Internet Scavenger Hunts: "
, the wildly popular application that shortens url addresses, has just introduced “ Bundles.” All you have to do is copy and paste several url address into the box on their site, click “Bundle,” and it will give you one url address that shows screenshots and descriptions of each of the url address you pasted in — in one url address. You can add your own descriptions, as well as rearrange their order. The only negative I see is that, in order to use it, you have to actually register with the site (which takes seconds). You don’t have to register if you just want to use their regular shortening service.
This kind of feature makes it ideal to create Internet Scavenger Hunts, with teachers listing questions they want teachers to find on each website.

I’m adding it to The Best Places To Create (And Find) Internet Scavenger Hunts & Webquests, where you’ll find similar applications to use that don’t require registration.’s advantage, though, is that it is probably more financially stable than these others and is more likely to stick around. I’ll also be adding info on this new feature to my description on on The Best Ways To Shorten URL Addresses list. Thanks to TechCrunch for the tip.

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