It's more than just a four letter word... We use data on a daily basis to inform planning and teaching decisions. Here you will find links to the data sources we will keep up with all year. Links will be live soon.
Online Status of the Class
A Google Doc that teachers update two to three times weekly to keep track of students' reading progress as well as conference notes.
Comprehensive Reading Assessment Data
This keeps track of students' scores on various reading assessments throughout the year, including the QRI and any additional assessments given as part of an intervention program. We also import state test and acuity test results from Acuity to get a broad view of each student and trends across classes.
Online Status of the Class
Similar to the reading document, this Google Doc will be updated regularly by teachers to keep track of writing conferences, teaching points, progress, and writing behaviors.
Comprehensive Writing Assessment Data
Less "concrete" than the reading data, this chart will track progress in writing based on an in-house system we have set up that merges the Common Core Standards with other systems for assessing writing, such as the one proposed by Carl Anderson in Assessing Writers.
State Tests
Item Analysis from the 2010 ELA Test
This tells us which questions each of our current students answered correctly and incorrectly on last year's test. This can help us target instruction for both our current students, and using trend-analysis, highlight areas that need more focus throughout our curriculum.