You can easily navigate to the Department of Education's home page and find a ton of resources. Here are some shortcuts to the most useful ones.
Common Core Standards: This is not from the DOE, but New York State has adopted these standards and they are expected to be implemented fully within the next few years. These are the standards we will be transitioning to.
ELA Curriculum Links: Links to official publications by the DOE for teaching ELA, including a guide for using the new Middle School ELA Library and a guide for "June curriculum planning".
Social Studies Links: Links to many organizations and web sites that provide resources for planning social studies units and lessons.
Social Studies Standards and Curriculum: Links to official curriculum guides, standards, and the NYC Scope and Sequence for Social Studies
NYC Scope and Sequence for Social Studies: The recommended units, topics, and pacing for Social Studies instruction in New York City
Project-Based Learning: Inspiring Middle School Students to Engage in Deep and Active Learning. This is a guide published in 2009 for Social Studies and Science exit projects.
Changes to the 2011 ELA Test: A memo put out by the state explaining changes to the test starting in 2011.