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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Debate Over The Mosque Near Ground Zero

The top story today, which has been brewing for weeks, is about the approval of a proposed mosque near the site of the 9/11 attacks in 2001. Here are a variety of resources and viewpoints on the issue, which touches on the First Amendment, 9/11, religious freedom, politics, and raw human emotion...

The News
The USA Today
**"Muslims in USA face fears, bias to build, expand mosques" (7/5/10)
**"Can you be 'entitled' to bigotry? Some pols, advocates say yes" (8/3/10)
**"NYC panel clears way for mosque near Ground Zero" (8/4/10)

The New York Times
**"Planned Sign of Tolerance Bringing Division Instead" (7/14/10)
**"Debate Heats Up About Mosque Near Ground Zero" (7/31/10)
**"Mosque Plan Clears Hurdle in New York" (8/4/10)

The Wall Street Journal
**The Mosque Controversy Graphic Interactive (Allows you to navigate to stories and opinions by major figures involved in the issue.)
**Mayor Bloomberg's Speech at Governors Island (8/3/10)

Opinions and Editorials
The USA Today
**Editorial: "Our view on religious freedom: Planned Muslim center in NYC tests American values" (7/21/10)
**Peter Gadiel: "Opposing view on religious freedom: Stop the mosque" (7/21/10)
**Letters to the Editor: "Land near Ground Zero is no place for mosque" (7/26/10)
**Thomas S. Kidd: "Mosque is now way to 'build bridges'" (8/4/10)

The New York Times
**Editorial: "A Monument to Tolerance" (8/4/10)
**Thomas L. Friedman: "Broadway and the Mosque" (8/4/10)
**Response to 8/4 Editorial: "The ADL, the Mosque, and the Fight Against Bigotry" (8/5/10)

The New York Daily News
**Editorial: "A bittersweet moment in American religious history" (8/5/10)

Television Coverage
**Countdown with Keith Olbermann: Interview with Russell Simmons (8/4/10)
**Morning Joe: Interview with George Pataki (8/4/10)
**Morning Joe: General Coverage I and General Coverage II (8/4/10)

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