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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

NYTimes - Kristof on Modern Slavery

Links to several op-eds from Nicholas Kristof starting with a series from early 2004 and then some...

Girls For Sale
One thinks of slavery as an evil confined to musty sepia photographs. But there are 21st-century versions of slaves as well, girls like Srey Neth, here in northwestern Cambodia.
January 17, 2004OPINIONOP-ED
Bargaining For Freedom
Srey Neth and Srey Mom were stunned when I proposed buying their freedom from their brothel owners.
January 21, 2004OPINIONOP-ED
Going Home, With Hope
As we bounced along rural Cambodian roads, the two teenage prostitutes I had just purchased told me how they had come to be 21st-century slaves.
January 24, 2004OPINIONOP-ED
Loss of Innocence
Four years of sexual servitude had shattered Srey Mom's spirit and left her with no real family, other than the brothel owner she called ''Mother.''
January 28, 2004OPINIONOP-ED
Stopping The Traffickers
Buying sex slaves and freeing them is not a long-term solution. It helps individuals but risks creating incentives for other girls to be kidnapped into servitude.
January 31, 2004OPINIONOP-ED

Seduction, Slavery and Sex
A trio of best-selling Swedish novels, along with legislation, are shining a light on human trafficking and prostitution.
July 15, 2010

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