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Monday, September 13, 2010

Huff Post - Susan Sawyers: Teachers Union v. Superman

Susan Sawyers: Teachers Union v. Superman: "With all the advance hype, American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten took on via email Davis Guggenheim's soon-to-be-released education documentary 'Waiting for Superman.' It's not the first time she's voiced discontent on the subject and it likely won't be the last as she describes the film as 'inaccurate, inconsistent and incomplete.'

''Waiting for 'Superman' misses two crucial points,' wrote Weingarten. 'First, we have to be committed to supporting a public school system that provides all our children with access to a great education. And second, we must focus our efforts on the most promising and proven approaches-those great neighborhood public schools that work.'
She doesn't think charter schools are the answer, although she does praise the breadth and depth of the Harlem Children's Zone.
May the conversations continue but in the meanwhile, school children deserve a first class education. Here's what Weingarten wrote, with thanks to Politico and GothamSchools for sharing their wealth:

To: Members of the Media
From: Randi Weingarten, AFT President
Date: September 8, 2010
Re: Response to 'Waiting for Superman'

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